Monday, September 26, 2011

The Importance Of Animation In Computer Media

Computers are one of the most effective electronic tools in the learning media, it is dynamic and evolving. It is an effective means to convey a simulated world of events and message through graphic presentations. It could generate images which could be that of a person, animal or cartoons.

Usually, animation adds energy, life and attributes to a story which increases the level of conciousness among viewers through the character’s facial and emotional expressions. In addition, animated gestures and speech may be used to convey a character’s message in a more personalized manner.

But how does computer animation affect human perception?

1.         It is an effective means of communication. It utilizes human memory through visual and verbal presentations. It could easily capture audience and motivates them to learn more. This also holds true to multimedia presentations in schools and in group presentations.

2.         It helps in attracting more viewers. Flashes and animated designs in the webpage will give your website a professional look. A visually unique presentation of animated characters is entertaining which spice-up your website’s presentation and oftentimes captivate attention. This can be seen in cases of animated characters used in sci-fi movies.

What then could be the use and importance of animated characters?

1.         In Commerce. Human interest and sensitivity may be enhanced through presentation of movements in the form of animated banner advertisements, animated logo designs and attractive web pages. A study showed that it could attract more audience and increase site visits by 15% to 40%.

2.        In Science. Computer animation is used in science for what is known as “scientific visualization” to make estimates and projections. Simulation is one of the methods in animations which can be use to project a situation before it actually happens. Just like making simulated ‘tsunami’ disaster projection, through it researcher’s can measure the impacts of the catastrophe before it hit lands and cause destructions.  It is also used in engineering projects, architectural works and in medical professions by making animated designs and models for their presentations.

3.        In Social Interactions. Human-media interaction is basically a social function.  Character references through web interface bring social intelligence to online viewers. Study shows that when people interact with a computer media, the social intelligence of man plays a critical role in the same manner with ‘real-life’ situations.

Animations can express social roles, emotions and portray different personalities to match an image. Presentation of programs through animation enhances memory and speed-up the learning process. Most people interacts with these characters, they laugh with them, cry with them and demonstrate certain behaviors as though, they are real people.

Animation should not only dwell about how to make your website visually presentable and appealing to capture an audience. One should also realize that it adds value to a webpage through making navigation easier to use with the help of interactive buttons and pointers. And it should be utilized in a way that does not take the viewer’s full attentions from the content.

So if you are now enticed to take this route, trust your animation projects to a professional and quality output providing website designing company. Don’t take risks on your website development. Let the experts do their work for you.

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